Ever since we can remember our lives have revolved around family, friends, and the water. We grew up in Santa Barbara, CA and the Pacific Ocean was our backyard. Every moment we had free was spent at the beach and in the water. When it was actually Summer our family would pack up and head East for a couple months visiting family on every beach and watering hole we could find. From Seabrook and Kiawah to Amagansett and Shelter Island, even Uncle Jeff’s, everyday we spent in the water with the people we loved.
Twenty years later those endless summer days spent on the water are still some of our favorite memories and the inspiration for Float Naked. The water brings out the kid in all of us or at least the memories of… fireworks on the fourth of July, campfires with friends, sun bleached hair, sunburned bodies, Zinc covered noses, Boogie Boarding, Surfing and just Floating. We cherish these memories and look forward to creating many more with new friends and new family.
Thanks for coming to our site, and we hope Float Naked will allow us to share our love for the water with you and the people you love.
Go Float Somewhere!
The Waterman Brothers
Cooper & Tucker
For us, the ocean is one of the most beautiful and amazing things on earth, and we believe it should be treated that way. That’s why we created Float Naked as a fashionable beach toy and accessories company that brings style to the water when we’re around, and helps clean it up and protect it when we're gone.
We are proud supporters of the Surfrider and Oceana Foundations, and we will do everything we can to use our products and our brand to protect our waters and keep our beaches clean.
Please let us know how we can help you protect and clean the beaches and waters that mean the most to you.